Friday, October 23, 2009

Thank you television. I understand everything now...

I just read Radio Free America, an article by Cal Thomas, and I feel the same about politics presented by flashy media. The truth is, I don't feel anything. In Thomas' article, he writes about the FOX news vs. liberal everything battle going on. He compares the United States government to communist countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and even Russia in the cold war. By trying to force FOX news out of the media, Thomas believes that liberals are trying to do "everything they (can) to “jam” the signals so that their people (will) only hear what their unelected overseers (want) them to hear. " Seriously? On what foundation was our country settled? Freedom. Freedom to learn, hear, and say what he or she pleases. The whole opinion war is bologni. What exactly does politically-correct or unbias mean? Is it possible to politicaly correct? I don't know, and the more everyone argues about it, comparing each other to trash, the less I care. Congratulations politics, your children are losing interest.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Miss the pops

Yesterday, a certain song struck my heart in the car. "Nights in White Satin" by The Moody Blues, an epic band from the 70's, came on the radio, and, by heart, I sang every lyric. I even whistled the entire instrumental break.
Why is this so touching?
My dad had their best hits cd when I was younger(aka before I could drive myself), and we would blare those tunes everywhere we went.
I miss the oldies.
Not the generic oldies, i.e. the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Monkeys, and the rest of your typical bubblegum music. I mean the good oldies. Bands who were really different and still seem killer today. The pops and I jammed to James Gang, Mott the Hoople, and of course, Otis Redding those days. Those days when my dad was my source of music.
Today, iTunes, Satellite Radio, and television advertise/pollute our ears with a lot of music. Some good, most bad. Some playful love songs, more play sexual innuendos put to a beat. Some reminiscing on the past, others pouring out post-modern views.
The music is nothing like the past. The poets of our generation are wandering to new places in their music. There are no limits.
What does all this amount to? I don't know. I just love music, and miss my dad.